The Guideline To Effectively Harnessing Structured Organizational Change

By kwproduction

June 15, 2022

The Guideline To Effectively Harnessing Structured Organizational Change

Change is disruptive yet ne0cessary, scary, yet exciting, and something that is uniquely integral to life. Without change, our society and lifestyle would not be what it is today. Hence, no matter how inconvenient, change is vital to welcome new beginnings and, at times, revitalize existing parameters.

Change management uniquely addresses the people’s side of change. Thus, creating a new organization, designing novel work processes, and overall implementing new technologies may never see overall fulfilment if the right people are not brought in to suit the change. Thus organizational change management is vital in every organization, and the organization’s leadership should be educated in its various facets in order to effectively deal with and welcome structured change. This is because financial success depends on how thoroughly these individuals in the organization embrace the change.

Overall, change management is the application of a structured process and a uniquely suited set of tools for expressly leading the people’s side of change in order to achieve the desired outcome. Hence, change management focuses on how to help people engage in, adopt, and effectively use change in their day-to-day work.

This change management process enables individuals within organizations to employ, leverage and scale the change management activities that help impacted individuals and groups in order to move through their transitions.

During Phase 1 – Approach preparation, we ask and answer:

  • Who has to expressly do their jobs differently and in what way?
  • What are we trying to achieve?
  • What will it take to achieve success?

During Phase 2: Manage change, we ask and answer:

  • How are we doing?
  • What adjustments do we need to make?
  • What will we expressly do to prepare, support, and engage people?

During Phase 3: Sustain Outcomes, we ask and answer:

  • Who will assume ownership and sustain outcomes?
  • What is expressly needed to ensure the change sticks?
  • Now, where are we? Are we one yet?

Here are 5 steps to effective, efficient organizational change:

Clearly define the change and align it to business goals

Organizations must learn to not just articulate the change required but also conduct a critical review against organizational objectives and performance goals, ensuring the change will carry the business in the right direction financially, strategically, and ethically.

Develop a communication strategy

While all employees should be taken on the change journey, the first couple of steps will have highlighted those employees that absolutely must communicate the change. Therefore, it is vital to determine the most effective means of communication for the group or individual that will bring them on board.

Implement a support structure

It means that providing a support structure is essential to effectively assist employees in emotionally and practically adjusting to the change and building up the proficiency of behaviours and technical skills needed to achieve these desired business results.

Provide effective training

It is vital that people know that they will receive the requisite training—structured or informal—to teach the skills and knowledge that will help them operate efficiently as the change is rolled out.

Determine impacts and those affected

It is prudent to review the effect on each individual business unit and how it cascades through the organizational structure to this individual. This particular information will start to form the blueprint for where the training and support are needed the most to mitigate these impacts.

At KW Productions, we are the premier experts at administering psychology-based assessments and tests, measuring culture, and overall modelling change management strategies anywhere. We are uniquely equipped at developing tools that will spark change and predict future potential in employees and organizations. Contact us now to buy your tool now!!


Read More: The Structural Pattern Of A Corporate Strategy Plan

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