Law Enforcement and their families…

By kwproduction

August 16, 2019


Law Enforcement and their families…

What’s Really Going On?…with Law Enforcement and our loved ones.

The police …sometimes we love them and sometimes we really dislike them. What about when they are in your own family? Do the rules change?

Our guests talk about what it is like working in law enforcement and having a family. They give tips when you get pulled over by the police of what you should and should not do.

We also hear about those who’s loved ones work in the line of fire. Is it different when your parents are in law enforcement?

Find out what’s really going on with Law Enforcement and catch our own “Wynteezy” taking a spot on the couch hosting this week. #WRGO #LAWENFORCEMENT #FAMILYLAW #SAFETY #PEACEOFFICERS #FEDERALAGENTS

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