Organizations are dynamic entities that constantly evolve in response... Full Story
By kwproduction
April 27, 2022
Communication is one of the core requirements of any organizational structure. Clear and compelling lines of communication and feedback are the core backbone of any organization’s structure, and it is critical to establish these communication lines early and not let them compromise under any circumstance. Thus, it is vital to have regular assessments of your communication lines throughout your organization’s hierarchy. One of the types of evaluations is a communication self-assessment.
The purpose of a communication self-assessment is to determine your vulnerability to being a source of communication failure. It consists of six principles:
Everyone who uses public services has the right to gain access to them on an equal basis. Therefore, to make these services fully accessible means taking into account communication accessibility and physical accessibility in the traditional sense.
You should always presume that each group you are working for or expecting to work with includes individuals with communication support needs. This definitely includes members of the public and your colleagues. Thus, inclusive communication should be considered at all times, whether it is providing information or planning an event, meeting, or activity. This means that good communication practice will help you reach your target audience more effectively, allowing people to access these services on an equal basis.
The importance of quality service delivery is felt when the service provider and persons who use the service understand each other. This ensures that the exact person who is using the service is able to effectively express their needs and choices. Thus, everyone communicates differently. When somebody has communication support needs, it definitely may take more effort and time to ensure that the service provider and the person using the service understand each other.
To effectively match the way you communicate to the express needs of all the people who use services, never take a “one size fits all” approach. It is vital to note how changes to the way services are delivered will inexplicably affect the people who use them.
To aid in identifying the full implications of service changes for all members of the community, start involving people who use these services, including those with communication support needs—from the beginning of the change process. Therefore, services delivered around the needs of those who use them will be more cost-effective, user-friendly, and definitely fit for purpose. It is vital that people with communication support needs definitely have the express opportunity to participate in the change processes in the same way as others.
Small but effective, simple changes to how you communicate can make a big difference to your service delivery. There are some changes that may take longer; however, they will deliver positive outcomes, resulting in cost-efficiencies and increased user satisfaction.
At KW Productions, we are responsible for developing tools that aid in measuring culture, modeling change management strategies, and administering psychology-based assessments and tests anywhere. We offer an express suite of behavioral psychology tools that assist in the assessment and prediction of the success of individuals and organizations and their overall effectiveness.
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