An Innovative Approach to Assess Organizational Behavior

By kwproduction

January 8, 2022

An Innovative Approach to Assess Organizational Behavior

An organization is a complex structure, the functioning of which is akin to that of the human body. Each of its parts depends on one another, yet there is a clear hierarchy in its functioning. Furthermore, a feedback system permeates through all its parts and surveillance through all of its functioning. An organization is similar in that way. Understanding it has consumed the lives of many brilliant individuals, and the organizational capacity assessment tool we have today is the fruit of their efforts.

What is Organizational Assessment, and What does it do?

Organizational assessment is the planned, systematic review of an organization’s processes, structure, and work environment. The process guides the development of recommendations and directives to support the achievement of organizational objectives. Its scope and purpose will explore an organization’s outcome by reviewing productivity and climate, objectives and goals, strategic plans, and operating procedures. Despite the method of achieving them, the results are always aimed toward enhancing the organization’s effectiveness and are provided to the individual who requested it.

What is Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool?

The organizational capacity assessment (OCA) tool is designed to measure the overall capacity of an organization. Its functioning assesses capability in five key areas: governance, organizational management, program management, human resource management, and financial management. The results are arranged into an agreed-upon action plan that maps priority areas and steps that the organization has to take to address issues and loopholes.

Governance: This assesses the clarity of the organization’s purpose, motivation, and stability. This is done by reviewing its guiding principles, structure, and oversight mechanisms. It comprises four sections:

  • Vision, mission, and values.
  • Governing or advisory board
  • Succession planning
  • Operational policies, procedures, and systems

Organizational Management: This section consists of the following:

  • Strategic and Operational Plan
  • Resource Mobilization

Communication Strategy: Documentation and Reporting

  • Stakeholder Involvement
  • Advocacy Planning
  • Engaging Target Populations in Advocacy and Monitoring

Program Management: This involves the individual day-to-day projects and how the departments are interconnected with the progress of the programs.

  • Community Involvement
  • Project Implementation
  • Monitoring and Evaluation and Quality Assurance

Human Resources: This section assesses the effective utilization, functioning, and the ability to maintain a skilled workforce that manages operations and makes a details the implementation of quality programs:

  • Staffing
  • Job Descriptions and Staff Supervision
  • Volunteers and Interns

Financial Management: the objective is to assess the quality of the company’s financial system and policies and procedures and the staff’s knowledge of the system.

  • Financial Policies and Procedures
  • Internal Controls
  • Financial Documentation and Reporting
  • Financial Planning and Sustainability

Organizational behavior management is one such facet of organizational assessment that applies behavior principles and groups in business, industry, government, and human service settings.

Applying Operational Assessment and factoring in Human behavior principles, we arrive at three primary specialty areas:

  • Performance Management: this applies behavior to the performance of employees
  • Systems Analysis: It indicates the analysis and modification of organizational processes to benefit the organization.
  • Behavior-Based Safety: This is a specialty area that analyzes work and modifies it to environments to develop a work environment that reduces injuries and promotes safe behavior.

At KW Productions, we offer an innovative and fresh perspective to utilizing various tools for organizations and leadership to influence change and spark a future potential change in employees. We promote the use of behavior-based tools to assist in valid and reliable assessment of the success of an organization. With 10+ years of experience, we offer several psychological tools to assist in assessing and predicting an employee’s effectiveness and the impact on the organization as a whole. Visit our website and access our resources to broaden your horizons and take your organization on the next step forward.

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